Thursday 25 April 2013

KCBWDAY4: Colour Review

Day Four (Thursday April 25th): Colour ReviewWhat are your favourite colours for knitted or crocheted projects. Have a think about what colours you seem to favour when yarn shopping and crafting.

Only after writing this part of your post should you then actually look to see what colours you have used in your projects. Make a quick tally of what colours you have used in your projects over the past year and compare it to the colours you have written about. Compare this, in turn, to the colours that are most dominant in your yarn stash – do they correlate?

Now think back to your house animal - do the colours you have chosen relate to your animal in anyway - if you are in the house of peacock, for example, are your projects often multicoloured and bright?


Well pink is pretty much one of my favourite colours so I am often drawn to that but when it comes to yarn I generally just go for BRIGHT! as I really like to make cute little amigurmi characters and toys and I often feel bright makes them look the most cute and fun :) Though I find myself drifting to more and more pastel colours like lilac, baby blue and cotton candy pink- probably because they are cute too (and as can be guessed from the name of my blog I really like cute things :), however they are a bit more subtle. My current preference for pastels in projects will probably reflect itself in my crafting stash soon however currently it just looks like a rainbow has been put in a blender :P - Very very bright and lots of variety, which is good really because it makes me happy when I look at it and I always have the colour I need :)
I suppose my projects/stash do reflect my house animal the bee as bees love bright colours, like those of flowers and love to buzz from one colour flower to the next to the next just like me and my choice of colour for projects!

See you all tomorrow :D

Bye xxx

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